Natural Progression at ArtMart Studios

We are delighted to see the unveiling of our second exhibition here at ArtMArt Studios.
The show entitled Natural Progression will promote new work in a variety of digital media by Sligo Artists.

Digital art is very often overlooked in favour of more traditional disiplines, and the artists have joined together to show the type of work being produced in the digital arena.
The exhibition will include art and illustration by Tom Mullery and Nicholas Grey, digital photography by Sean Mullery, Lisa Powell, Michelle Granville and Victoria Macarter, and an installation of electronic composition and animation by Mark Mullery.

The group includes both self taught and college trained artists, and aims to show the democratic nature of the emerging digital art landscape.

Opening night is 20th February @ 7pm and will continue until the 5th of March.
You can view their facebook page and RSVP their exhibition

For further information contact: 087 944 35 05 087 216 24 74 / /